Monday, March 26, 2007


Guess what? Yes, that's right kids, Anna Nicole Smith is dead. She died like her idol Marilyn Monroe, taking a rarely prescribed sedative chloral hydrate to help her fall asleep. She could of just taken the prescribed amount, but no, she swigged the whole damn bottle. This is considered some how intelligent, due to Anna Nicole's recent major illness, in which she resisted all attempts to be persuaded to go to the hospital for treatment. Instead, just to increase the incidence of overdose or interactions, she decided to pump in the privately obtained Tamiflu, along with OTC medicines.

Of course, this amazing, person, this media darling, started her amazing career as a playboy bunny. In fact, that's exactly what she was remembered as when she died. People were less likely to want to recall other portions of her life, where, although she had more money on the line, did not give people as many boners. Eventually Anna Nicole Smith married an old rich dude. Somehow this old guy dies.. maybe something related to old age? who knows?! Anyways a couple centuries of suits fall after, with Anna Nicole Smith and the elderly man's family, fighting out for the elderly mans money. Now I know theres always Anna Nicole Smith's child to think about, but come on, how many people are claiming the fatherhood of the child? Maybe ten, fifteen, I don't remember, and some of them are even married! I mean thats not that interesting.. The most we can hope for is that this child hasn't the bad genetics her parents have.

Somehow in this disastrous mess of a person, we are supposed to be sad. Not because she is a mess of a person, no, its now considered respectable by (Fox) faux news to be a playboy bunny, yet, in all other occasions its not respectable to do such a job. To faux news, it all has to do with fame, but yet they hate celebrities, because they are elite. They are obsessed with celeb news. It makes no sense. And yet, a very large percentage of Americans are hypocrites, (or else a big news network wouldn't broadcast what they do, nobody would watch) who hate democrats for going to the elites, while loving a complete nut case for being "elite". All the while a fellow faux news nut job, Gibson, is telling us we are snobs for wanting to hear anything about the war, instead of Nicole Smith. Why does this man who advocated the Iraq War proclaim that we are tired of hearing about the war? Maybe we are tired of the war he advocated.

1 comment:

Unbekannt said...

Nice. Especially regarding 'faux news' and the Iraq war incident...